你只能提供最大的FPS,实际运行要靠机器的配置,你还没说你的配置 关于优化问题参见以下
The entire scene has less than 5000 polygons
The sky has been replaced by a big sphere with unlit material, using only a constant3vector connected as emissive color.
All other materials I use have only a constant3vector connected to the Base Color
Engine scalability settings are all set to low
Mobile HDR is off
The scene contains a character with a character that moves around. It has a camera attached to the root. I disabled all effects in the camera.
It runs with ~10-15 FPS on Nexus 7 2012
(The character has an event tick, it adds the movement input)
I do not use draw calls
On the device, the materials all black (I use a station directional light) 是HTC VIVE吗?会不会刷新率限制它的最大就45? 我来专业回答一枚
HTC VIVE 锁帧45和90帧 也就是说你的项目如果能跑90帧以上 那就是90帧 如果跑不了90帧哪怕只能80帧 那htc自动给你降成45帧
就是这么坑 无奈 pipboy1981 发表于 2016-10-29 11:22
HTC VIVE 锁帧45和90帧 也就是说你的项目如果能跑90帧以上 那就是90帧 如果跑不了90帧哪 ...
也不是呀,我跑过宜家那个项目,70到80帧。 时间先生 发表于 2016-10-28 18:40
配置么,,cpu 内存 主板 肯定都够,显卡gtx980 cowolfox 发表于 2016-10-29 11:13
是HTC VIVE吗?会不会刷新率限制它的最大就45?
我也是这么假设的,所以才想知道哪里可以更改 xiaolibin888 发表于 2016-10-31 10:58
是HTC? VR模式? 我们搞了一年了没法见过你说这种情况啊 pipboy1981 发表于 2016-11-22 14:56
是HTC? VR模式? 我们搞了一年了没法见过你说这种情况啊