怎么改变用DrawLines 在ui上面画出的线条的粗细WidgetBlueprintLibrary.h 里查看 方法实现
* Draws a line.
* @param PositionA Starting position of the line in local space.
* @param PositionB Ending position of the line in local space.
* @param Thickness How many pixels thick this line should be.
* @param Tint Color to render the line.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=( AdvancedDisplay = "4" ), Category="Painting" )
static void DrawLine(UPARAM(ref) FPaintContext& Context, FVector2D PositionA, FVector2D PositionB, FLinearColor Tint = FLinearColor::White, bool bAntiAlias = true);
* Draws several line segments.
* @param Points Line pairs, each line needs to be 2 separate points in the array.
* @param Thickness How many pixels thick this line should be.
* @param Tint Color to render the line.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=( AdvancedDisplay = "3" ), Category="Painting" )
static void DrawLines(UPARAM(ref) FPaintContext& Context, const TArray<FVector2D>& Points, FLinearColor Tint = FLinearColor::White, bool bAntiAlias = true);
/** mknmknmk 发表于 2017-11-28 18:13
WidgetBlueprintLibrary.h 里查看 方法实现
怎么用,我也看了,但是不知道怎么改 Thickness 参数咋提及的 , 添加自定义的方法 ,加个 Thickness 参数 本帖最后由 叫我大表哥 于 2017-11-29 09:09 编辑
mknmknmk 发表于 2017-11-28 22:19
Thickness 参数咋提及的 , 添加自定义的方法 ,加个 Thickness 参数
我在ue4封装好WidgetBlueprintLibrary.h里面找到了DrawLines,加了一个Thicknes,但是编译之后没有出现 求代码,我也要装一个- - 叫我大表哥 发表于 2017-11-29 09:05
我在ue4封装好WidgetBlueprintLibrary.h里面找到了DrawLines,加了一个Thicknes,但是编译之后没有出现 ...