本帖最后由 Icarus 于 2017-11-30 22:41 编辑集数:2集
第一集:Introduction to Audio in CRYENGINE 5.1
The video covers the audio translation layer, audio workflow, audio controls editor, default controls, various audio entities in CRYENGINE 5.1 which you can populate your work with, and audio trigger options via different tools like the character editor.
该视频涵盖了音频翻译层,音频工作流程,音频控制编辑器,默认控件,CRYENGINE 5.1中的各种音频实体以及音频触发选项,可以通过不同的工具(如字符编辑器)进行工作。
第二集:Introduction to Character Art Pipeline
This comprehensive webinar shows you a full character art pipeline, in a little over an hour. Hosted by Abdenour Bachir, Lead Character Artist at Crytek, you’ll be taken from the Prototyping phase, including set up in engine and defining your look and function, through texturing and beautifying your art,and then finalizing your model to a shippable state.
由Crytek的首席角色艺术家Abdenour Bachir主持,你将从原型开始阶段,包括设置引擎,定义你的外观和功能,通过纹理和美化你的艺术,然后最终确定你的模型到一个可交付的状态。
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视频有些是MKV格式,请使用软件:点我去官网 语音交互??还是什么,没看懂 仁义礼智信 发表于 2017-12-1 10:45
不是语音交互,就是在ce5.1中弄音频编辑吧 学习学习 感谢楼主的分享 感谢分享