I am assuming you are exporting to either UE4 or Unity. The noise is there for a reason. SpeedTrees are rendered with alpha testing so the polygons don't have to be sorted back to front as with alpha blending. But there are a number of places where we want things to fade: branch seams, billboard faces transitioning, etc. For this we add noise to the opacity that allows for dithering effects. The noise is all above the alpha test value, so most of the time it has no effect.
But if you want to disable it, you can edit the texture packer you are using. For example with the UE4 texture packer, open <app install>/texture_packing/UE4.fx. Comment out the lines near the start about adding dithering to the opacity.
以上是官方论坛回复,大概意思是说: 如果你要导出到UE4或UNITY, 那些噪点是有用的。SpeedTree是通过alpha测试渲染的(相当于MASK遮罩),因此不必像使用alpha混合(相当于半透明度)那样将多边形从前向后排序。但是有时候需要某些地方看起来要有些半透明度的渐变过度使它们看起来不会太生硬,比如树枝之间交叉的接缝,广告牌面与面交叉过渡等。为此,我们在alpha通道中添加了噪点,以实现抖动效果。噪点值都在alpha测试值以上,因此在大多数情况下它没有任何作用。
但是,如果要禁用它,则可以编辑正在使用的纹理打包器,例如UE4纹理打包器: 利用记事本或其它应用 打开<app install> /texture_packing/UE4.fx。在 TexturePacking 相关语句开始处注释掉增加不透明度的抖动的行。
以上加入了本人的一些理解 最后建议还是不要去改了 保持原样最好。 |